You are currently browsing the daily archive for February 3, 2009.

This is a follow-up post to: Maybe you do reach an age!!!

Finally, I got Google Adwords to display my ad.

At 10 am on Tuesday I went into Google Adwords and threw a bit of money at Adwords.


Upped daily budget.


Upped my CPCs.

Even though Adwords says that any keyword not assigned a CPC will be assigned the default, I noticed that these keywords  did not have a bid behind them so I entered them manually for each keyword.

I then started searching but did not accomplish any ad pops. Frustrated as *!** I gave up. Just accepted the fact that I could not get it to work. Well, you know I couldn’t let it lie. At lunch, around 1 pm I went out and started to search again (guess I’m just a glutton for punishment). On my first search on my Keyword “Meribeth” I hit. The whole department at work knew since I let out a really loud “Whoo Hoo.”


Search on Keyword "Meribeth"

Searched again.


Search on Keyword "point of view"

Again a “Whoo-Hoo.” Searched a third time.


Search on "different point of view."

By this time my co-workers were getting a bit irritated. Another hit .


Notice that I am in the number 1 spot with a very common Keyword "social networks"

So the statistics on my 9 Keywords are:


From 10 am to 1 pm a total of 217 impressions. It's a relief I did not have any clicks.

I actually may run a different ad so I can see if it was the budget or the additional information in the Keywords list. I may also do a few clicks so I can see how the actual CPC compares to my top CPC.

So it is on to the next adventure on Social Networks.



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    February 2009
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