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Now where was that really cool blog I saw last night?”

paper-ball1“I know I wrote the address down for that cool Web site but I can’t believe I can’t find it in all these pieces of paper! And its NOT my age, because it IS a myth that mental decline and advancing age are not synonymous.”

“If I come back to this site one more time to find nothing new I’m going to scream.”

“Why did I bookmark that page? I really don’t have time to keep checking what all the bookmarks from this long list are about.”

Those are statements that I know we have all said over and over again. My time is valuable and there is a finite amount of time I have to surf the Web. And it’s too aggravating to keep encountering dead ends.

So as I looked for a tool that could help me be more productive, so my Web sessions can be more enjoyable, I discovered Google Reader. In a simplified explanation—Google Reader helps you organize and read your RSS feeds.

I am now agoogle-reader-clip1ble to subscribe to blogs and Web sites that I want to keep track of at one place. Then once I am in Google Reader I can use it like a review pane to see what has been happening on all my sites. I can either just view the headers and link to the actual blog item I am interested in. Or review in expanded mode which allows me to see the full post.

By grouping subscriptions into folders, I can put like subscriptions together. Putting the ones I want to see every time I connect into one folder allows me to check the ones I feel are most important ones. Especially if I only have a short window of time.igoogle-reader-widget

To make it even easier, I have placed a widget on my iGoogle home page. This allows me to check my subscriptions very quickly when I log onto the internet through my cell phone.

Google Reader has allowed me to add all my Digital Media Driver’s License fellow students’ blogs so that I can review all the new posts without moving through many tabs and trying to keep track of which ones I’ve already seen.

There is also a feature that you can share parts of blogs or Web sites with any of your Google friends but I don’t have any Google friends yet!


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